About Us
Yukta Garg Memorial Foundation
On July 26th 2006, Yukta Garg age six was tragically killed in a car accident at the entrance of the Washington Township Recreation Center.
Her tragic and unexpected death will have long lasting impacts on her family, friends, school, teammates, and our community.
As a tribute to such a wonderful little girl, and in the love and spirit of Yukta's memory, her parents (Hemant & Arti Garg) have established a non-profit organization, "Yukta Garg Memorial Foundation" (501 (c) (3)). The mission of this organization is to support philanthropic activities and causes within the community which will benefit and support the interests of children.
As another initiative towards this mission, we are helping the township in fund-raising activities towards the construction of a playground at the Rec Center. The playground will be partly funded by Yukta Garg Memorial Foundation. It will be open to the public for free. We request you to contribute generously to benefit the interests of our children in the community. All contributions will be utilized to fund the construction of this playground at the Rec Center.
Contributions may be mailed to:
P.O. Box 750081
Dayton, OH 45475-0081
Make checks payable to: Yukta Garg Memorial Foundation
Payments via Credit cards may be made by clicking the button below: