

The mission of this petition is to urge The Ohio Department of Transportation :

- to install a traffic light at the common stopping point between 725 and entrance to the Washington Township Recreation Center and/or make appropriate changes to the traffic rules for a safe traffic at the intersection of Garnet Drive and 725.

- to reduce the speed limit of the traffic on 725 (and near WTRC) to 35 miles per hour or lower.

This intersection is used by several people and their families (most of them involving kids) to get entry into Washington Township Recreation Center. With the growth in surrounding areas, it is important to take the safety of all people into consideration. Making appropriate changes to the traffic rules at this intersection would greatly improve the welfare of the entire county as this is a heavily traveled area.


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The in support of changes to the traffic rules near the entrance to WTRC Petition to ODOT  was created and written by Hemant and Arti Garg (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). This petition was hosted here as a public service.